Data security is a central component of any business IT strategy. Without IT security an organisation risks the corruption or
malicious theft, of valuable business data, leading to downtime, reduced revenues, loss of goodwill from business partners, adverse press, even fines from regulatory bodies. It's imperative to preserve
the confidential nature of the data your organisation holds, while providing convenient access to authorised users.
Our expert knowledge, combined with close partnerships of the leading technologies in data security, has allowed us to deliver
resilient yet flexible data security systems that release companies from the worry of unsecure information - improving staff productivity and business revenues
• End Point Security
• Network Security
• Disaster Recovery
• Benefits of IT Security
• Cyber Audits
• Email Security
Protection of Valuable Information
It may sound a given that you must protect sensitive data held by your organisation – but it can be easily forgotten just how valuable the information that exists within your systems really is and how, by having effective security systems and policies in place, you can have more confidence in your operations.

Data Security Delivers Trust
Good data security creates trust in your organisation. Trust brings commitment from your customers, your business partners, and your staff will all feel more willing to commit to a long term close and rewarding relationship. Designed properly therefore, great data security can be a hugely effective sales and marketing tool for your organisation. For example, an increasing number of tenders and business pitches ask about the security policies a supplier has in place customers want to know of, and be assured by, well-considered and comprehensive approaches to security that places the wellbeing of information about them centre stage. An organisation that can demonstrate this will automatically illustrate the importance of confidentiality and integrity of the partnership it wishes to have. Such trust is hard-won and easily lost in today’s competitive markets.
Legal Compliance
Staying on the right side of the law in regards to how you retain and handle data has been an important issue for some time. But it remains essential that an organisation does not slacken their vigilance in keeping an effective data security strategy in place. Large or small, Netcom Systems has a range of solutions and realistic approaches to helping your business adopt data security in a viable and efficient way